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Yes, stupid poor white bigots did get Trump elected

Many are trying to claim that relatively uneducated, largly poor, most rural, almost entirely lilly white people aren't responsible for trumps election. They often claim that a broad spectrum of people who hated immigration and had overblown terrorism fears weren't addressed by Hillary so they went to trump. There right in that Hillary didn't run a campaign run on fear mongering. They also often try to make number jump through hoops.

The median income of trump voters was $72,000/year The median income of all Americans is $56,000/year. Tell me what you think that means? Some are claiming it means that large numbers of voters who were not poor voted for Trump.

To me it just means he did get almost all the votes above $250k and the poor white and rural votes pull he number downward to $72k . Of course everyone in the investor class voted for Trump. The investor class votes Republican all the time. But there are not enough of them to win an election. it IS the poor white older voters that got him elected. So those that claim the $72K median number is a good thing say it with a straight face when it is actually a negative.

That's what conservatives have always done. They get people to vote against their own self interest by misdirection plays that made people that get tired of getting dressed down because of the stupid, yes politically incorrect things they say that just prove the the fact their thinking hasn't evolved as American society has evolved. Would we be better off it people felt it was ok to be as insulting to as many people as Trump is? To Trump voters I ask, Is THAT what you want to promote as a way of making America and the world better? They voted so they could feel free to say whatever they want without rebuke even when it's bigoted and biased? Is the notion that casual conversation should go back to the days where nigger, kike , limie, spaz, and all the demeaning things women were called a good thing? Maybe many of them are the cowardly anonomys people that polute online forums and comment sections with flame wars where he who is the most insulting wins. They want to come out of the basement without fear of ridicule? If so, they'll soon learn to fear me because I have never suffered fools. They maybe don't understand that Trump gets away with it because he's not just a bully, he's a bully protected money. He surrounds himself with only those who stroke his ego. Disagree? Boom, your gone. We all knew kids like that in high school didn't we? We called them suck ups. In fact we probably remember people like the Donald in high school. The born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth rich kid with a superiority complex and a loud mouth surrounded by suck ups and could do pretty much what ever the hell they wanted because their rich well connected daddy could get them out of anything, many of which would have got us weeks of detentions or in juvenile detention or kicked out of school? I think that image is familiar to most people that grew up working class. Trump created the illusion everyone should be able to say the things he does without fear they'll get intellectually slapped around by decent people who's views evolved out of that decades ago. That was one of his major diversions. I've disowned a step brother over that issue alone because it revealed to me what I long suspected about him. Things I suspected all along were right beneath the surface. He wants the right to be just as stupid as his father was who got away with it through being loud and intimidating. This and the statistically unjustified fear of the terrorist sneaking into their neighborhood or the notion the Mexicans stole their job despite the real facts that people like Trump and Romney have long promoted moving manufacturing jobs to the lowest wage countries they can find, and the FACT Mexicans are doing jobs that these stupid mostly older white people can't hack or wouldn't want to do in the first place. If they are still bitching about the good factory job the lost long ago Trump and the whole investor class of Americans is who they should hate. The misdirection takes their eye off the ball and makes them vote for someone who in no way has their interests in mind and yet again wants to promote trickle down economics that have NEVER ever worked. "tax cuts pay for them selves" is a lie. Deficits are important only when Democrats are in charge. Clinton handed Bush a budget surplus and Bush used the lie it should to back to the working class to give it and much more back to the investor class and in 8 years exploded the budget again, just like Reagan had done before. (fact check it yourself. Federal Budget information is an easy find) And were just far enough away from the great recession to forget who was responsible for the second near failure of capitalism in less than a hundred years. Banks (=conservatives) had been allowed to become investment houses. Investment houses using other peoples money. So it's worse than calling the gambling houses because gamblers loose their own money, they don't use your money behind you back and then ask you to pay off the loss because they can't cover the bet. It would be line calling a whorehouse a gentleman's club. Obama inherited a mess (always remember it's Bush's signature on the the bailout bill (TARP), not Obama's). When he hired Tim Guitner and some others to do things, some of which were not technically legal, but were overlooked because they were don't to save the effing economy and prevent a bank run, he hire that most creative and brilliant mind he could find, not someone who agreed with him politically and definitely not someone who wanted to deconstruct government. Show me where Trump as put a single person in his cabinet that was the most qualified and brightest person for the job. Or if you try, at least try to keep a straight face. Obama put 2 republicans in his first cabinet for chisakes. So to all you working class trump voters. man, you got played for suckers big time. Trump said emphatically that a new health care plan would have to cover everybody. I knew when he said it he was to stupid to understand what that would require so we get to hear him now say .. who knew healthcare would be so complicated? I'll tell you who. The people that spent years figuring out a way to just reduce the number of uninsured to keep them out of emergency rooms where they were bankrupting small, rural and county hospitals, and just slow the growth of nation health care spending as a percentage of GDP. It did both things. It's problems are fixable. Something that didn't deter insurance companies from raising rates was the house voting to repeal over 100 times. They knew the blame wouldn't be on them. . The ACA actually gave them more customers, then they just raked them over the coals. The reason the bill may not get out of congress now is that the tea party cranks want nothing less that total repeal, not because it makes any sense, but because their constituencies are so rabid they fear getting primaried from their right. They want total repeal but want to not implement it until after they get elected. Only and ideological purist thinks it's a good idea to just go back to the good old days when the health care industry was like the wild west. And remember the ACA was almost a carbon copy of Mitt Romney's health care system he got put in place in Massachusetts. I don't really like Bernie Sanders because there are too many ways in which he never grew up from his hippy rebel rousing Birkenstock wearing youth but he's right on a couple of things. One of which is the only way out of the health care dilemma is Medicare for all. I'm on Medicare now and it's not beyond critricism but it levels the playing field and there is less fear of getting ripped of by some corporate marketing departments deceptions. It's good for the working class and if they investor class wants better they can go buy it. In selling the new bill Paul Ryan and everybody else up and down the line was handed a new buzzphrase that got repeated dozens of time the first day the bill was rolled out. The word was "death spiral". The ACA is in a death spiral. That's actually a phrase that has a real meaning and there is only one way to characterize the way Republicans used it. It is a lie. They were all lying and did it knowing it was a lie. It's something they are very good at. The notion was quickly shot down by the several non partisan health care groups AND The American Academy of Actuaries. Ryan et all effing lied. The other thing he's right about is Wall street reform. Trump is already dismantling the SEC, has fired the most effective Federal prosecutor who's distincter just happens to be Wall Street and Trump Tower, and is gutting consumer protection agencies and corporate watchdog functions that progressives fought a long fight against big money to put in place to at least give the working class a fighting chance against power of big money. We've become an oligarchy. That's why Trump likes Putin. He wan't to BE Putin... and well, you know.. Putin is vastly more wealthy than Trump claims to be in his wildest exaggerations. So I can't cotton those that try to make a silk purse out of a cow's ear with claiming the median income figure he uses is a good thing. It is not, and other things are not regardless of how many times they get repeated, sometimes in soothing reassuring tones of voice. They hisses like a snakes. To quote Bob Dylan; "Money doesn't speak, it swears".


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