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Kasich's version of who to take from and who to give to.

Along with stripping state workers of their right to fairly bargain wages, Kasich gave his chief of staff a $47,000 dollar a year raise for $122,990 to $170,000. That's more than the Attorney General, Speaker of the House, Auditor, Treasurer or Senate President.

The Communications Director will make $120,000, up from $89,003. That's more than some cabinet holders. A RAISE of nearly $31,000.

The Press Secretary will get $90,000, an increase from $69,992. A RAISE of over $20,000.

And Kasich has created a state job, that didn't exist, "special assistant", paying $145,000 for Jai Chabria who was person 2 in John Kasich’s “two person office” in Columbus when they both worked for Lehman Brothers. Remember Lehman Brothers? That company that help bring the economy down in '08, where he continued to work until they locked the doors behind him in bankruptcy?, In 2002 he made the introductions using his political connections which resulted in an investment of $480 million from the state pension fund and he was paid a bonus of $400,000 of his $587,175 '08 salary. What do you think became of that investment the state of Ohio made with Lehman through Kasich's contacts after the stock market crash?

I want to ask pro SB5 working class people why they aren't outraged about this, instead of trashing a union like OAPSE, who's workers average salary is $24,000 and whose average pension is less than $900 dollars a month?

My next topic will be outsourcing. 

I'll end this article and begin the next one with a reminder about his years as a member of the Board of Directors at Invacare  where our dear Governor Kasich personally signed off on a policy of outsourcing jobs from Ohio to China and Mexico.

It's possible to learn about what compainies are lobbing now state contracts. It's on the Office of the Legislative Inspector General website.

I also need to write about the role evangelical christianity is playing in this administration and how it is the underpinning to every thing Kasich and those he's bringing into government.

A perfect example is the uber christian oil and gas industry insider he hired to run the Department of Natural Resources.

In particular check out Near East Initiatives, VisionSynergy and The Enduring Impact Foundation,


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