Ohio is not broke! We the people know where the money is, we know where it goes. We're a consumer driven economy. We the working class buy stuff and it goes into the pockets of the investor class. Look at corporate profits. Look at Wall Street, look at the stock market. Look at CEO pay and you'll know who has money and who doesn't. The Wall street is back to where it was in late 2007. How come we the people are not back to where we were in late 2007? Why are the rich continuing to get richer even in hard times and we are ask to endure the consequences of massive state budget cuts? The answer is the same as it has been since the beginning of the industrial age, but never more emphatic than after the 2010 elections. The reason we can't ask the investor class to pay their fair share, even on a short term basis is simply because when asked, they say "no". It's as simple as that.They just say "no". They say "no" to the Republ...
Since the election of the evangelical fundamentalist Christian moralist John Kasich here in Ohio, I've worried about public policy. My themes involve reframing the struggle between the “rich vs. poor” as the “investor class vs. working class”, about stopping the endless finger pointing over bargaining, mindless infighting over gays, Muslims and immigration, and about the investor class driven misinformation campaigns about just who benefits from small, weak Federal, and State governments.