I meant to finish this long ago, right after the Democratic convention when I became, rightfully as it turned out, concerned that the way Bernie supporters talked about Hillary Clinton sounded alarmingly like the way Trump supporters talked. A young woman responded to something I wrote in the comment section of a YouTube page that showed Bernie supporters leaving the arena when Hillary came on stage to speak. They had drank the same coolaid Trump supporters had with the whole false narrative about Hillary that was fact free. When I challenged her to prove she knew what she was talking about, and she couldn't defend her position, she did what Trump supporters do. She went fact free into another rant mentioning she had protested the Iraq war. I think I told her something along the line of "opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. You are entitled to your own opinion. However, you are NOT entitled to your own facts. You don't know what the "f"you are talkin...
Since the election of the evangelical fundamentalist Christian moralist John Kasich here in Ohio, I've worried about public policy. My themes involve reframing the struggle between the “rich vs. poor” as the “investor class vs. working class”, about stopping the endless finger pointing over bargaining, mindless infighting over gays, Muslims and immigration, and about the investor class driven misinformation campaigns about just who benefits from small, weak Federal, and State governments.