Used to be that if you needed information first you went to periodical publications like newspapers or magazines then your only other choice was libraries where you found drawers full of 3” by 5” index cards you had to slog through to find what you’re looking for. Or you go to the research desk where the person there would either know off the top of their head where to find it, or they would slog through the catalogs for you. It was hard for average people to check the accuracy of things they read. Then through the mid to late 1990’s libraries and other just about every other thing in the world became networked. From then if you really wanted to know the facts all you had to do was point click and type into search engines. That’s it. Virtually everyone born after 1985 or so has had all the information in the world at their fingertips. And yet through seemingly pure laziness many or most have squandered it!!! The world can be made safe from misinformed people and purpos...
Since the election of the evangelical fundamentalist Christian moralist John Kasich here in Ohio, I've worried about public policy. My themes involve reframing the struggle between the “rich vs. poor” as the “investor class vs. working class”, about stopping the endless finger pointing over bargaining, mindless infighting over gays, Muslims and immigration, and about the investor class driven misinformation campaigns about just who benefits from small, weak Federal, and State governments.