I sometimes like to hang around Fox News websites and check out the silly things they manufacture outrage about. Ok, not really. I follow a link to a story there and can’t resist the urge to look at the comments. Today it was a story about the T-shirts left on the chairs for the people who came to the tribute for the victims of the Arizona massacre. First of all, many seem "disgusted" because they say the behavior was "outrageous" in the memorial. Except it wasn't a memorial, it was a tribute. Words have meanings. A tribute is different than a memorial. Then, there was a person who said they were disgusted by… they didn’t exactly say just what they were disgusted about but added something about we used to be a great country, which I guess means we aren’t anymore, which sounds less than patriotic to me. Personally, I can still make a case for American greatness, especially in the “compared to what” way of thinking. Yes, what a great country it was; until...
Since the election of the evangelical fundamentalist Christian moralist John Kasich here in Ohio, I've worried about public policy. My themes involve reframing the struggle between the “rich vs. poor” as the “investor class vs. working class”, about stopping the endless finger pointing over bargaining, mindless infighting over gays, Muslims and immigration, and about the investor class driven misinformation campaigns about just who benefits from small, weak Federal, and State governments.