You still don't get it. Republicans have been making suckers out of you since the Regan days. The only stealing going on is by banks and corporations taking money from the working class, spending it on their lifestyles, stuffing the rest of it in banks, that also are just sitting on it, and investing the rest overseas. There's no reason for them to invest it here. They've bled the American economy dry. Sucked out all the cash, all the individual credit, sucked out all of the cash people have been able to borrow against their home values, and now all that is left is pensions and the social security trust fund, and, mark my word, their are coming for that too. The Republican Party has been making fools of you by selling you social issues, selling you lies and misinformation that make you believe things that aren't true, from the lie that the health care bill raise the deficit (10 minutes in google would show your that's not true), to convincing you that small gover...
Since the election of the evangelical fundamentalist Christian moralist John Kasich here in Ohio, I've worried about public policy. My themes involve reframing the struggle between the “rich vs. poor” as the “investor class vs. working class”, about stopping the endless finger pointing over bargaining, mindless infighting over gays, Muslims and immigration, and about the investor class driven misinformation campaigns about just who benefits from small, weak Federal, and State governments.