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Showing posts from 2010

Reply posted on Washington Examiner website regarding Republican Gullibility.

You still don't get it. Republicans have been making suckers out of you since the Regan days. The only stealing going on is by banks and corporations taking money from the working class, spending it on their lifestyles, stuffing the rest of it in banks, that also are just sitting on it, and investing the rest overseas. There's no reason for them to invest it here. They've bled the American economy dry. Sucked out all the cash, all the individual credit, sucked out all of the cash people have been able to borrow against their home values, and now all that is left is pensions and the social security trust fund, and, mark my word, their are coming for that too. The Republican Party has been making fools of you by selling you social issues, selling you lies and misinformation that make you believe things that aren't true, from the lie that the health care bill raise the deficit (10 minutes in google would show your that's not true), to convincing you that small gover...

Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act

 Just in case you were excited about the prospect of not being shouted at by TV commercials like a carnival barker trying to sell you Ginsu knives was trying to get your attention, I have to burst your bubble.   I see no possible reason for this. commercial producers could fix this tomorrow. The congresswoman that authored this caved in to some form of lobbying pressure is the only reason I can think of. Now they have two years to find a way out of it. It's so stupid. Most all of the time I'm either watching something recorded or behind live on my DVR. Sometimes i'm multitasking and when the commercials come on, often I would hear at least parts of it out of the corner of my ear if my attention wasn't called to it by blasting volume. Soon as that happens I grab the remote and speed through the commercials. Every time. Without exceptions. Am I way into the minority here?  I will not watch offensive commercials, and often what offends me is blaring loud musi...